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TOP > The Eye Collectors a story of her Majesty’s Office of the Witchfinder General, protecting the public from the unnatural since 1645【電子書籍】[ Simon Kewin ]

The Eye Collectors a story of her Majesty’s Office of the Witchfinder General, protecting the public from the unnatural since 1645【電子書籍】[ Simon Kewin ]

<p><em><strong>When Danesh Shahzan gets called to a crime scene, it’s usually because the police suspect not just foul play but unnatural forces at play.</strong></em><br /> Danesh is an Acolyte in Her Majesty’s Office of the Witchfinder General, a shadowy arm of the British government fighting supernatural threats to the realm. This time, he’s been called in by Detective Inspector Nikola Zubrasky to investigate a murder in Cardiff. The victim had been placed inside a runic circle and their eyes carefully removed from their head. Danesh soon confirms that magical forces are at work. Concerned that there may be more victims to come, he and DI Zubrasky establish a wary collaboration as they each pursue the investigation within the constraints of their respective organisations. Soon Danesh learns that there may be much wider implications to what is taking place and that somehow he has an unexpected connection. He also realises something about himself that he can never admit to the people with whom he works…</p> <p>“Think <em>Dirk Gently</em> meets <em>Good Omens</em>!”</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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